Marvel Quiz Challenge

Try to answer the following Marvel questions within the time limit.
Incorrect answers will penalize your scoretime by ten seconds!

Which Marvel hero first appeared in Amazing Fantasy #15?

What was the original color of the Incredible Hulk?

Which member of the Fantastic Four was played by the same actor as Captain America in the MCU?

Who is Weapon X?

In which limited series starring many Marvel heroes did Spider-Man acquire his black costume?

Who were the first two Marvel heroes appearing in Marvel Comics #1?

What is the alias of Norin Rad, the original herald of the world devouring Galactus?

What is the home country of Victor von Doom?

What is Cyclops’s visor made out of?

What color was the suit of the original Captain Marvel in Marvel Comics?

What is the name of the DC character who used to be called Captain Marvel before the dispute between the two companies?

Where was Phoenix killed (the first time) by Cyclops?

What is the name of the eldest child of Sue and Reed Richards?

What name did Steve Rogers adopt when the US government took from him the title Captain America?

What was the name of the clone of Jean Grey who married Scott Summers?

How is Dr. Hank McCoy better known?

Who (in the movie) told Spider Man, “With great power comes great responsibility”?

What did the four Powers children call themselves after they acquired their extraordinary abilities?

All done!
